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June 27, 2016
14 days feature
We are starting the second week of #14days of Wellbeing, our wellbeing marathon to kick start the summer. Last week we shared a lot of exciting material, including extracts from our back list, videos and relaxation exercises.
Working with our sister imprint Watkins Publishing, we have been offering the chance to explore Gateways to Health, a great series from our backlist that includes succinct and effective practical exercises that can be performed anywhere and develop your mind-body balance if practiced everyday.
We have been sharing nutritional advise and tips everyday, including Christine Bailey’s healthy recipes, Saimaa Miller’s recipes and detox tips, and Renee McGregor advice on sport nutrition.

Swami Saradananda has been busy preparing a series of short videos that focus on the practice of mudras, delving into some of the mudras, and including practical exercises to increase flexibility in your hands and fingers.

Sound is a fundamental part of who we are. Our brains have evolved to respond to different sounds in certain ways – a scream sends a surge of adrenaline into our system while the soothing rhythm of a lullaby has a relaxing effect on our body and mind, encouraging us to sleep. We respond to sound not only with our consciousness, but also with our physical selves. We have been sharing Lyz Cooper’s sound healing exercises and awakenings sounds, inviting you to pay attention to the sounds that surrounds you, and the emotions they trigger.

We have been working with Tamara Russell to find the best way to incorporate some mindfulness exercises in your #14days practice. How does your mind react to the challenge of learning a new movement? Is this a reaction you see elsewhere in your life at all? Like Tamara Russell’s cup of tea and paintbrush, we shared Tamara’s mindfulness exercises that can be fitted into your daily routine.

You can still read all these material, plus our playlists and daily competitions, registering for free on www.14daysofwellbeing.com.
For those who are following us, we hope you enjoyed this first week, let us know what you think, you can comment on our blogs or social media. For those who are not registered yet, you are still on time! You can still register for free on www.14daysofwellbeing.com.
Many more exciting videos, nutritional advice, books and recordings from our authors are still to come, including Renee McGregor’s exclusive interviews with Olympic athletes Aly Dixon and Piers Gilliver.