Posted by

Victoria Lagodinsky

January 20, 2014




Are you in need of a self-confidence boost? Leading life coach and self-esteem expert Lynda Field has written The Self-Esteem Coach with you in mind. Read her 4 essential tips for a confident new you.

“I wish I’d known from the beginning that I was born a strong woman. What a difference it would have made! I wish I’d known that I was born a courageous woman; I’ve spent so much of my life cowering. How many conversations would I not only have started but finished if I had known I possessed a warrior’s heart? I wish I’d known that I’d been born to take on the world; I wouldn’t have run from it for so long, but to it with open arms.”

Sarah Ban Breathnach (author)


“A ‘strong woman’; what do you see when you read that? And ‘cowering’; yes you’ll know what that sort of behaviour looks and feels like; we’ve all played the victim at one time or another” says life coach Lynda Field. “When we can open our arms to the world, we can believe in ourselves, feel confident and act assertively. Being assertive doesn’t come naturally to many of us; but it’s a skill that we can all develop.”


4 essential tips for a confident new you


  1. List your past achievements and go back as far as you like: learning to ride a bike, passing an exam, getting a job, your first love affair …. Write these things down on a big sheet of paper and keep adding to the list. You’ve had so many successes.
  2. Remember that big challenge that you overcame, how did you cope? What inner resources do you fall back on? Name these and know that you have these qualities in abundance.
  3. Think back to a time when you were afraid to do something but did it anyway. Each time we leave our comfort zone we refresh and invigorate our energy. You know how to take a chance and you can do this again.
  4. You have all it takes to do what you want to do in this life; all you have to do is take that very first step. Take it today!

From the bestselling author of 60 Ways to Feel Amazing and Weekend Life Coach, here’s a fresh new take on how to increase your confidence in every area of your life –The Self-Esteem Coach is the complete DIY feel-good guide for the 21st century. Follow Jo on her inspiring website lyndafield.com.



“10 days to a confident new you”

The Self-Esteem Coach by Lynda Field

256 pages • Paperback • £8.99

AUS $17.99 NZ $23.00


£8.99 l Buy the book now!